How To Create Pull jobs for newly created Tables in AX retail 2012.
For creating Pull jobs for newely created tables, we need to follow the following steps :
1 . Create a new table as below :
2.Add below fields in table other than your normal fields :
3.Add below two methods in your table :
public RetailReplicationCounter maxReplicationCounterFromOrigin(RetailConnDistributionLocationId _locationId)
RetailPosBatchTable posBatchTable;
RetailTerminalTable terminalTable;
if (_locationId)
if (RetailStoreTable::find(_locationId))
select maxof(ReplicationCounter) from posBatchTable
where posBatchTable.StoreId == _locationId;
terminalTable = RetailTerminalTable::find(_locationId);
if (terminalTable)
select maxof(ReplicationCounter) from posBatchTable
where posBatchTable.TerminalId == terminalTable.TerminalId;
return posBatchTable.ReplicationCounter;
public void setMaxReplicationCounter(RetailConnDistributionLocationId _locationId, RetailReplicationCounter _counter)
RetailPosBatchTable posBatchTable;
RetailTerminalTable terminalTable;
if (_locationId)
if (RetailStoreTable::find(_locationId))
while select forupdate posBatchTable
where posBatchTable.StoreId == _locationId
&& posBatchTable.ReplicationCounter >= _counter
posBatchTable.ReplicationCounter = _counter;
terminalTable = RetailTerminalTable::find(_locationId);
if (terminalTable)
while select forupdate posBatchTable
where posBatchTable.TerminalId == terminalTable.TerminalId
&& posBatchTable.ReplicationCounter >= _counter
posBatchTable.ReplicationCounter = _counter;
Replace the RetailPosBatchTable with your table name.
4. Go to Retail ->Setup ->Retail Scheduler -> Distribution Location :
Select your distribution Location and click on Location table , select the table for which you want to pull data,click on Location fields , now you can add fields either Manually or you can use function button provided.
[Make sure to select only those fields which are available in corresponding AX table,else AX will throw error , filed in not available in table]
5. Now go to Retail ->Setup ->Retail Scheduler ->Scheduler subjob
Create a new subjob :
And set the important fields as below :
6.Click on Create TempDBStaging table , which will make a temporary table TableX .
TableX is being used by AX to hold staging data.
7. Now either you can create a new P-job or you can add this sub job in existing P-job.
Run the P-job and data will be pulled to AX from Store
[Off-course you should have retail settings in Place :) ]
hello, the Job is not working proberly ... it coping successfully .. then when change data and run again ... it does not work again
please can u give me any hint for the solution
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